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1. What should be the minimum age of a S/G to attend the Rajyapuraskar testing camp?
Ans. 13 years
2. Who awards the Rajyapurskar certificate?
Ans. Governor / State secretary
3. On which sleeve, rajyapuraskar badge is to be worn?
Ans. Left arm sleeve
4. How many proficiency badges are to be earned by a Rajyapuraskar S/G ?
Ans. 5 by scouts ; 4 by guides
5. Name any two proficiency badges of Group A in the Rajyapuraskar.
Ans. Camper, Signaller, Electrician, Tailor
6.To which group, does Public Health proficiency badge of Rajyapurakar belong to?
Ans. Group B
7. Name the proficiency badge which is special as it is signed by the state chief commissioner?
Ans. World Conservation
8. How many nights should a Tritiya sopan scout /guide spend for ‘Camper’ proficiency badge?
Ans. 06 Nights
9. What is the colour of the cross sign of Child Nurse proficiency badge?
Ans. Green
10. Which proficiency badge is related to ‘Van Mahotsav’?
Ans. Ecologist
11. When do we celebrate Leprosy Day in India?
Ans.30th Jan.
12. How many illiterate people or children should be taught three R’s ( Reading, writing and arithmetic) in ‘Literacy’ proficiency badge?
Ans. 10
13. To which group of proficiency badges, Nutrition educator belongs to ?
Ans. Group B
14. How many people should be helped to get checked for leprosy in Rural Worker proficiency badge?
Ans.50 people
15. What is the duration of completion of the activity – planting and taking care of 10 plants – in the soil conversation proficiency badge?
Ans. 30 Days
16. Which method of signaling is used in ‘Signaller’ proficiency badge?
Ans. Semaphore
17. Who organizes the Rajyapuraskar Testing Camp?
Ans. State Association under the supervision of the state organizing commissioner.
18. What word is written in Rajyapuraskar Badge?
Ans. Seva
19. What symbol is found above the word seva in the Rajyapuraskar badge?
Ans. Ashok Chakra
20. How many point programme is to be followed in ‘leprosy’ proficiency badge?
Ans. Five point programme of BS&G
21. What symbol is found below the word seva in the Rajyapuraskar badge?
Ans. BS&G Emblem
22. What is the total number of proficiency badges to be earned by a tritiya sopan S/G to appear for the Rajyapuraskar testing camp?
Ans. 09 by Scouts; 08 by Guides
23. Children or people of what age group can be taught under ‘Literacy’ proficiency badge?
Ans. 15-40
1. Who is your District organising Commissioner S/G
2. Who is your District Commissioner? (S/G)
3. Who is your District Training Commissioner?
4. When was the First Indian Jamboree held?
Ans. 1937 (before independence); 1953 ( after independence)
5. Where is the National Training Centre of BS&G located?
Ans. Pachmarhi, MP
6. Where is the National Headquarters of BS&G?
Ans. M G Road, I P Estate,New Delhi
7. Who is the National chief Commissioner of BS&G?
Ans. Krishna Kumar khandelwal
8. Where is National Adventure Institute of BS&G located?
Ans. Pachmarhi, MP
9. On whose hounour, our BS&G headquarters building …
Woodcraft Signs
What are woodcraft signs?
What is the wood craft sign for ……(Danger, Camp this Way, Gone Home, Friendly people, food here, wait here, message five paces away, drinking water, dirty water)(Any 3 signs)
Show 3 woodcraft signs and ask the meaning of that.
What is the purpose of whipping? (To prevent the ends of a rope from fraying out)
What are the types of whipping? (American Whipping, Sailmaker’s whipping, West Country Whipping)
Demonstrate whipping.
Knots and Hitches
Which knot is used for tying the bundles and parcels? (Called as Dhobi knot) (Reef Knot)
Which is used for tying two ends of different thickness? (Sheet Bend)
Which is the life saving knot? (Bowline)
Which is used for tying badminton nets?(Clove Hitch)
Which is used for giving strength to the weak portion of the rope? (Sheep Shank)
Demonstrate any two knots / hitches
First Aid (Theory)
What are the 3 aims of First Aid? (3 Ps) (Preserve Life, Promote Recovery, Prevent the worsening of the condition of the casualty)
Write 5 contents of FA Box.
What are the three types of bandages? (Triangular Bandage, Roller Bandage and Special Bandages like many tailed or ‘T’ Bandages)
What are the three types of slings? ( Arm Sling, Cuff and Collar Sling and St.John’s sling)
Which knot is used for tying bandages and why?
Name the sling used for giving support to Wrist only?
Nutrients needed for a healthy body
Vitamins and their benefits
Materials needed for cooking for a specific number of people to be served
Q.1 Bucket chain is a method used for what?
Ans Putting out fire.
Q.2 What are the various degrees of burns?
Ans I degree burns, II degree burns and III degree burns.
Q.3 What is a sprain?
Ans Tearing of the ligaments of the joint and the tissues round the joint.
Q.4 What is the skill of approximation?
Ans Estimation.
Q.5 What is the maximum error allowed in estimation?
Ans 25 %.
Q.6 Similar triangle method, Nepolean method, Compass method, Foldpaper method, Lobstick method, Parallax method- are all different methods used for what?
Ans For measuring width/distance.
Q.7 What is the difference between sheer lashing and parallel lashing?
Ans No frapping in parallel lashing.
Q.8 Name any 4 camp tools?
Ans Handsaw, Chopper, hammer, Hand axe, Knife, Wedges.
Q.9 Name any two constellations which help to identify North & directions.
Ans Saptarishi(Great bear/Plough), Cassiopia/Lady in the Chair / Orion, the Hunter.
Q.10 Sodium bicarbonate is used in the first aid for what?
Ans Stings of wasp, bee and scorpion.
Q.11 When do we ask a patient to breathe through the nose ? In giving
first aid for what?
Ans Nose bleeding.
Q.12 What is the company game called when wood craft signs are used?
Ans Companywide game.
Q.13 What is the minimum period for which you should work as a
Pratham Sopan guide to qualify for Dw
1. What should be the minimum age of a S/G to attend the Rajyapuraskar testing camp?
Ans. 13 years
2. Who awards the Rajyapurskar certificate?
Ans. Governor / State secretary
3. On which sleeve, rajyapuraskar badge is to be worn?
Ans. Left arm sleeve
4. How many proficiency badges are to be earned by a Rajyapuraskar S/G ?
Ans. 5 by scouts ; 4 by guides
5. Name any two proficiency badges of Group A in the Rajyapuraskar.
Ans. Camper, Signaller, Electrician, Tailor
6.To which group, does Public Health proficiency badge of Rajyapurakar belong to?
Ans. Group B
7. Name the proficiency badge which is special as it is signed by the state chief commissioner?
Ans. World Conservation
8. How many nights should a Tritiya sopan scout /guide spend for ‘Camper’ proficiency badge?
Ans. 06 Nights
9. What is the colour of the cross sign of Child Nurse proficiency badge?
Ans. Green
10. Which proficiency badge is related to ‘Van Mahotsav’?
Ans. Ecologist
11. When do we celebrate Leprosy Day in India?
Ans.30th Jan.
12. How many illiterate people or children should be taught three R’s ( Reading, writing and arithmetic) in ‘Literacy’ proficiency badge?
Ans. 10
13. To which group of proficiency badges, Nutrition educator belongs to ?
Ans. Group B
14. How many people should be helped to get checked for leprosy in Rural Worker proficiency badge?
Ans.50 people
15. What is the duration of completion of the activity – planting and taking care of 10 plants – in the soil conversation proficiency badge?
Ans. 30 Days
16. Which method of signaling is used in ‘Signaller’ proficiency badge?
Ans. Semaphore
17. Who organizes the Rajyapuraskar Testing Camp?
Ans. State Association under the supervision of the state organizing commissioner.
18. What word is written in Rajyapuraskar Badge?
Ans. Seva
19. What symbol is found above the word seva in the Rajyapuraskar badge?
Ans. Ashok Chakra
20. How many point programme is to be followed in ‘leprosy’ proficiency badge?
Ans. Five point programme of BS&G
21. What symbol is found below the word seva in the Rajyapuraskar badge?
Ans. BS&G Emblem
22. What is the total number of proficiency badges to be earned by a tritiya sopan S/G to appear for the Rajyapuraskar testing camp?
Ans. 09 by Scouts; 08 by Guides
23. Children or people of what age group can be taught under ‘Literacy’ proficiency badge?
Ans. 15-40
1. Who is your District organising Commissioner S/G
2. Who is your District Commissioner? (S/G)
3. Who is your District Training Commissioner?
4. When was the First Indian Jamboree held?
Ans. 1937 (before independence); 1953 ( after independence)
5. Where is the National Training Centre of BS&G located?
Ans. Pachmarhi, MP
6. Where is the National Headquarters of BS&G?
Ans. M G Road, I P Estate,New Delhi
7. Who is the National chief Commissioner of BS&G?
Ans. Krishna Kumar khandelwal
8. Where is National Adventure Institute of BS&G located?
Ans. Pachmarhi, MP
9. On whose hounour, our BS&G headquarters building …
Woodcraft Signs
What are woodcraft signs?
What is the wood craft sign for ……(Danger, Camp this Way, Gone Home, Friendly people, food here, wait here, message five paces away, drinking water, dirty water)(Any 3 signs)
Show 3 woodcraft signs and ask the meaning of that.
What is the purpose of whipping? (To prevent the ends of a rope from fraying out)
What are the types of whipping? (American Whipping, Sailmaker’s whipping, West Country Whipping)
Demonstrate whipping.
Knots and Hitches
Which knot is used for tying the bundles and parcels? (Called as Dhobi knot) (Reef Knot)
Which is used for tying two ends of different thickness? (Sheet Bend)
Which is the life saving knot? (Bowline)
Which is used for tying badminton nets?(Clove Hitch)
Which is used for giving strength to the weak portion of the rope? (Sheep Shank)
Demonstrate any two knots / hitches
First Aid (Theory)
What are the 3 aims of First Aid? (3 Ps) (Preserve Life, Promote Recovery, Prevent the worsening of the condition of the casualty)
Write 5 contents of FA Box.
What are the three types of bandages? (Triangular Bandage, Roller Bandage and Special Bandages like many tailed or ‘T’ Bandages)
What are the three types of slings? ( Arm Sling, Cuff and Collar Sling and St.John’s sling)
Which knot is used for tying bandages and why?
Name the sling used for giving support to Wrist only?
Nutrients needed for a healthy body
Vitamins and their benefits
Materials needed for cooking for a specific number of people to be served
Q.1 Bucket chain is a method used for what?
Ans Putting out fire.
Q.2 What are the various degrees of burns?
Ans I degree burns, II degree burns and III degree burns.
Q.3 What is a sprain?
Ans Tearing of the ligaments of the joint and the tissues round the joint.
Q.4 What is the skill of approximation?
Ans Estimation.
Q.5 What is the maximum error allowed in estimation?
Ans 25 %.
Q.6 Similar triangle method, Nepolean method, Compass method, Foldpaper method, Lobstick method, Parallax method- are all different methods used for what?
Ans For measuring width/distance.
Q.7 What is the difference between sheer lashing and parallel lashing?
Ans No frapping in parallel lashing.
Q.8 Name any 4 camp tools?
Ans Handsaw, Chopper, hammer, Hand axe, Knife, Wedges.
Q.9 Name any two constellations which help to identify North & directions.
Ans Saptarishi(Great bear/Plough), Cassiopia/Lady in the Chair / Orion, the Hunter.
Q.10 Sodium bicarbonate is used in the first aid for what?
Ans Stings of wasp, bee and scorpion.
Q.11 When do we ask a patient to breathe through the nose ? In giving
first aid for what?
Ans Nose bleeding.
Q.12 What is the company game called when wood craft signs are used?
Ans Companywide game.
Q.13 What is the minimum period for which you should work as a
Pratham Sopan guide to qualify for Dwitiya Sopan?
Ans Nine months.
Q.14 What will be the minimum age for qualifying for Dwitiya Sopan?
Ans 10 years nine months.
Q.15. Which hitch is used to tie the logs of wood?
Ans.Timbe Hitch
Q.16. What hitch is used to make a rope ladder?
Ans.Marline Spike Hitch / Lever Hitch
Q.17. To make a tripod, which lashing is used?
Ans. Figure of Eight Lashing
Q.18 To support a bunch of bananas hanging in a banana plant, which lashing do you use to make supporting legs?
Ans. Sheer Lashing
Q.19 To join two poles at 90 degree to each other, which lashing is used?
Ans. Square lashing
Q.20 When the poles are crossing each other, which lashing would you use to time them together?
Ans. Diagonal lashing
Q.21 Name the only lashing which starts with the timber hitch?
Ans. Diagonal Lashing
Q.22 What should be your direction when you are putting out the grass fire?
Ans. Facing the wind
Q,23 What is the difference between needle compass and card compass?
Ans. In th
Samala venkateshwarlu Assistant state organising commissioner ALT R

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